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Our chemicals and equipment make sure your pool is chemically balanced, healthy, and sanitary-all backed by the industry’s best onsite training and troubleshooting with our expert field technicians.
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Contract Manufacturing
Outsource your manufacturing and expand your business with a chemical manufacturer that specializes in improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness and product quality. We let you focus on what you are good at.

White Labeling
Our custom white label program is the perfect solution for businesses looking to rapidly grow their brand and gain a competitive edge in new markets, while minimizing risk and maximizing profitability.
How do I clear up cloudy water?
Check your chlorine levels more often and make sure the optimal amount of chlorine is in the water. Free chlorine should stay between 1-3 parts per million while combined chlorine should rest around .5 parts per million. Shocking your pool water is the fastest fix. When you rise the chlorine levels to get rid of unwanted contaminates, you are shocking the pool. Maintenance should shock the pool to destroy bacteria, algae, and other organic materials.
What is the best sanitizer for spas?
The most common pool sanitizer is chlorine but the best choice depends on factors like your budget, type of pool, indoor or outdoor, and maintenance routine. Chlorine comes in many different forms. Tablets, granular, liquid. You should alwas consult with your Brody Chemical pool professional for guidance to which is best for your pool.
How long do I have to wait to swim after shocking my pool?
It is always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to swimming in a pool that has just been shocked. This is because the chlorine levels in the water can be very high and cause irritation to your skin, eyes, and respiratory system. It's generally recommended you wait at least one hour after shocking your pool before swimming. This will give the chlorine time to dissipate and allow the pH levels to return to normal. Brody Chemical offers both chlorine and non-chlorine based shock. Consult with one of Brody's pool professionals on the best shock treatment for your pool.
How do I balance the pH of my pool water?
In most cases the ideal pH for a pool is 7.4-7.6. Before you get started adjusting pH levels it is important to balance the pools total alkalinity. Total alkalinity (TA) acts as a buffer to stabilize pH levels and many of the same chemicals used to balance TA will also raise or lower pH. Balance one, and then the other, but don't try and balance them at the same time. Once you've confirmed that the TA levels are in balance you are ready to adjust your pool's pH. To balance ph levels in your pool you will need Brody's pH Down or Acid Magic to decrease levels. Brody Chemical's pH up to increase levels and a water testing kit to check water balance.
Do I need a filter cleaner?
Yes, especially with higher bather loads. Sunscreen, body oils, lotions, etc. will accumulate in the filter and should be cleaned on a routine basis. Brody Chemical's Filter Cleaner is ane excellent product for regular maintenance that is non-foaming, fast, and effective.

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